
Exams are coming! So much to learn! How do I do all this? I have so little time!

Exams are coming! So much to learn! How do I do all this? I have so little time!

These are questions and cries we hear from many students. Let’s have a look at a few ways in which we can reduce anxiety and prepare for exams. Here I will scrutinize a few ways to enhance your memorization in order to prepare for your exams.

First of all, be cool and confident, you attended the classes, and did the tutorials. So, you know the content taught. You need to just memorize a few information and ideas.

I suggest you try these 3 memorization techniques.

Firstly, use association. Association is relating the word or concept that you want to remember with another word or idea. For example, if we say ‘apple’ what other words come to your mind? The word apple can be associated with red, round, sweet or fruit. In the same way if you try to relate the concept that you want to learn with other words, you must be creative and use associations that are clear to you.

Secondly, use visualization. You must agree that it is easier to remember a picture than details from a textbook or lecture. So, try to imagine or relate the concept in a diagrammatic form in your head, better use graphic organisers and charts, and prepare the image. Remember it was much easier to learn the water cycle when it was shown in the illustrative form.

Thirdly, wait for it…. how about singing it. This may sound strange to many students, but some have found that instead of reading the lesson you can sing the lesson and you remember it better, then in the exam hall, you can sing it (but ONLY in your head).

But the best method that I REALLY recommend is to teach it to someone else. Explain the lesson to a relative or even an imaginary friend. This is where the concept of group studies emerged. Sitting together and discussing the lessons by clarifying doubts and asking questions for better comprehension. This way you will remember the material for a long time.

GOOD LUCK for upcoming exams.

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