
MSc Nursing (International)


Prog Card

MSc Nursing (International)

MSc Nursing (International)

Course Fee

MVR 6,199 per month x 15 months

Awarding Body
The University of the West of England
January / May / September
1 Year
Level 9

Programme Details


This full time postgraduate programme will enable international registered nurses to advance their knowledge and understanding of current issues related to their field of practice. The programme acknowledges that the quality of healthcare delivery continues to evolve; thus educational programmes in nursing require dynamic strategies that address the needs of service users in any healthcare setting. This programme offers learners a focused framework that supports the transition from a first level degree to advanced levels of nursing practice and more importantly, it gives learners the opportunity to appraise their roles as leaders in healthcare practice. Learners are offered the opportunity to critically examine evidence and research related to their scope of practice. Learning is based around critical reflection of practice as well as interactive and proactive learning approaches. This programme enables learners to develop both academically and professionally, expanding their knowledge and skills in nursing, where they are expected to achieve a high degree of skill in critical evaluation.

General Entry Criteria

  • Successful completion of Bachelor of Nursing

  • Must be registered and licensed by the Maldives Nursing and Midwifery Council AND

  • Certified competency in English

Alternative Entry Criteria

  • Successful completion of level 7 in a related field to nursing AND

  • Successful completion of a Diploma in Nursing AND

  • Must be registered and licensed by the Maldives Nursing and Midwifery Council AND

  • Certified competency in English

Core Modules

  1. Advancing Practice in Long-Term Conditions

  2. Recognising and Responding to a Deteriorating Patient

  3. Health and Social Care Research and Research Methodologies

  4. Workplace Health and Wellbeing

  5. Contemporary Community Practice

  6. Dual Diagnosis Substance Misuse and Mental Health

  7. Leadership and Innovation

  8. Dissertation

Course fee: MVR 6,199 per month x 15 months

Upon successful completion of this programme, participants will be able to

  • Demonstrate in-depth awareness of shared leadership and innovative approaches to care delivery, through the integration of theory and practice in healthcare;

  • Critically analyse and evaluate evidence of collaborative and integrated healthcare delivery systems, to enhance the patient, carer and family experience;

  • Apply in-depth knowledge and clinical skills in recognising the physical, psychological and psychosocial needs of patients, carers and families;

  • Demonstrate in-depth knowledge and higher-level critical thinking skills required for autonomous and independent decision-making and problem-solving skills;

  • Critically evaluate and reflect on the autonomous role of the nurse through professional collaboration and making recommendations for optimum practice; and

  • Critically appraise and synthesise relevant research, evaluations, and audits, and apply them to ensure measurable high-quality improvements in nursing practice.


Farzana Sabiq - MSc Nursing (International)

Farzana Sabiq - MSc Nursing (International)

Farzana Sabiq - MSc Nursing (International)

Farzana Sabiq - MSc Nursing (International)

Farzana Sabiq - MSc Nursing (International)

Farzana Sabiq - MSc Nursing (International)

Farzana Sabiq - MSc Nursing (International)

Farzana Sabiq - MSc Nursing (International)

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